
Jul 5, 2010

Waterfront Soccer Festival -- Family Fun, World Cup Watch

So you missed the 30th Anniversary party for the Inner Harbor last week?  And you didn't make the fireworks on the Fourth? 

Never fear -- the Inner Harbor has a happening on tap that will provide pyrotechnics all its own.  Family friendly, but a rollicking good romp for soccerphiles of all ages.  It's the World Cup Festival, an all day celebration of the final game in the quadrennial series, this Sunday July 11th.

In addition to being a viewing site for the game with a giant digital screen planted on the western promenade, it is also an opportunity to celebrate soccer with some of the local pros from DC United, Baltimore Blast, and Crystal Palace.

The event is sponsored by the Waterfront Partnership in cooperation with the Office of Sports Marketing.  Which brings us to Terry's role in all this -- another opportunity to promote Maryland as the host site for a future World Cup by demonstrating the enthusiasm for, and support of, soccer in our state.  Team Terry will be there with our bells and whistles (no vuvuzelas) pushing for more online signatures on the petition.

It's also the opportunity to promote the upcoming Manchester City - Inter Milan match on July 31st at M&T.  If you haven't got your tickets yet, be sure to do so -- they're going fast.

But for now, make plans to take the family or posse to the Inner Harbor next Sunday.  Getting there is a breeze from downtown, now that the *FREE* Charm City Circulator connects Federal Hill to Penn Station and Little Italy to the U of MD Biopark.  Both routes pass through the harbor, giving you the opportunity to take in more of Baltimore on your visit.

It's only appropriate that this harbor celebration takes place near the monuments to two venerated Baltimore boosters -- William Donald Schaefer and Walter Sondheim.  They both would appreciate how the revitalization of the harbor has made it the perfect setting for people to come together and celebrate.  That's what sports -- and community -- are all about.

See you next Sunday !!

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