
Jul 26, 2010

That time of year again . . .

It's still awfully hot here at the Warehouse, so I was surprised to see someone decked out in full Todd Heap regalia wandering outside M&T stadium.  Until I got closer and noticed . . .

 .. . . it really IS Todd Heap!!

Seems he was shooting some kind of promo, with the stadium in the background.  Naturally, the producers had no time for groupies or paparazzi, so they shooed me away.  But not before I got this shot of Todd rehydrating.

Yes, even MSA employees get giddy and star struck at the sight of our heroes.  Particularly when we're all counting the days until we welcome them back to the Yards.

Training camp begins today in Westminster, but only the rookies have to report.  So I guess Todd can afford a few retakes before he heads for the hills.

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