
Jul 16, 2010

Team Terry on Tour -- Explore the Shore

Next week tout le Team Terry will be crossing the bridge to check out the natural resources and facilities that comprise the Eastern Shore sports scene.

Our primary destination is Somerset County, home of the Somer's Cove Marina in Crisfield -- largest state-owned marina in Maryland.  It is also a popular venue for public events and maritime activities like fishing tournaments and boat docking competitions.

(Boat docking contests among the watermen is somewhat like rodeos are to cowboys.  It's the opportunity to establish supremacy working the tools of the trade, and it's something to behold.  Virtually all maritime festivals and celebrations feature boat docking contests and they are real crowd pleasers.)

But I digress.  This trip will give Team Terry the opportunity to see some real gems in our state park system, like Janes Island, which has some of the best water trails in Maryland.  Tweety and Blogue are planning a little kayaking adventure there.

Hopefully, we'll have time to follow the Old Indian Trail (one of Maryland's Scenic Byways) to Assateague Island in Worcester, where the flat terrain, beautiful wetlands and ubiquitous wild ponies make it a favorite for recreational cyclists.

We know there's a lot of sports and recreation facilities to see on Maryland's southern Eastern Shore and our itinerary is still up in the air.  But look for it on the blog next week.

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