
Mar 5, 2011

Ready to Try Tri? Rock Annapolis in May

The TriRock Triathlon Series will drop anchor in Annapolis this May 14th for a sprint event where athletes swim Spa Creek along the seawall, pedal over the Naval Academy bridge, and run through the Historic District past the State House to the City Dock.

A "sprint" is an entry level course in the grueling world of triathlon, with a 500 meter swim, 12 mile bike and 3.1 mile run being far less daunting that a standard tri or the elite "Ironman" version. 

The National TriRock Series, which made its debut in 2010, fuses the arena of sports with music and entertainment.  Based on their success last year, the TriRock Series, an outgrowth of the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series, added Annapolis and Gettysburg to their tri tour for their heritage appeal.

As the title suggests, there will be music along the routes, and a concert (complete with red carpet) at the Market House finish.

Despite the highly competitive nature of triathlon meets, the community is warm and welcoming.  Annapolis has a very active Triathlon Club, which is excited about this event and supportive to the point of offering a free 10 week training plan to their members to get them in shape for it.

This race, which is expected to attract 1,000 participants and at least 2,000 more spectators and supporters, comes at a good time for Annapolis.  It falls right after lacrosse season, shortly before Commissionning Week, and (most importantly)


(For those of you who wonder why this is important, Google "2007 Annapolis Triathlon")

This looks like a winning formula for the promoters, athletes, and business community who benefit from the out of town visitors.  It is styled to have minimal impact on residents and visitors because road closures are confined to single lanes, and the race takes place before most folks are moving on Saturday morning.

We're excited that Annapolis will again be hosting a Triathlon.  Our state capital is a beautiful, historic venue and charming place to visit (and spend money.)

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