
Jan 22, 2010

Lots to Cheer About

I was wandering around Baltimore last weekend, fully aware the town was going to be overrun with laxers.  After all, the US Lacrosse convention is the biggest pre-season event of the year, bringing in coaches, officials, players and fans from every tier of competition.

What I didn't expect was a sea of perky ponytails with saucy skirts, matching hair ribbons, manicures, eye shadow and pom poms in every possible color combination on every street corner between the harbor and the convention center.

Earlier in the week, Mark Burdette told those assembled for the World Cup announcement that the Ravens had to roost in the Hoosier equivilent of Elkton because every hotel room in Indy was taken for a cheerleading competition.  According to Mark, every sideline strutter in the world was going to be in Indianapolis that weekend.

So what was this throng doing in Baltimore? 

I caught a few on their way to Panaro's for some pre-competition carbs and learned they were in from Ohio.  (No, I didn't ask if they were the Cheerios from William McKinley High, but I was tempted.)  It seems this particular competition, known for its glitz, light show, sound effects and slick production, was a particular favorite on the circuit.  It had originally been scheduled for early February, but when the organizers realized they were competing against Super Bowl, they punted and opted for MLK weekend instead.

I asked how many competitors were there, and they said hundreds of teams.  Since each team has several squads, (and even more parents,) that put attendance in the thousands.

I tried to get a more definitive number out of the Charm City Circulator coordinator, who was passing out Mardi Gras beads in front of the bus.   "Kazillion" was her conservative estimate.  They were coming out of everywhere and shuttling back and forth from the harbor on the new service.

At this point I offered a silent prayer of thanks for those visionaries with the wisdom to expand the convention center and attach a hotel.  No way this town could have accommodated two major weekend events like this otherwise.

And that's not even counting the vroom-vroomers from the Arenacross circuit up the street.  Imagine:  Red Bull and Monster mixed with adreneline and estrogen in one city block.  Entirely too much energy for me.  I took refuge in Pickles, which turned out to be the sanctuary for a bunch of lax referees between sessions. We all hung out to watch the playoffs with Captain Defense and the neighborhood fans.

Despite the outcome, Baltimore had a lot to cheer about with all the activities in the convention center and arena.  It's a great sports town, mostly because Maryland is a great sports state.   All of the action taking place that weekend were national events that had wide regionial appeal and participation.  That's why Baltimore was selected to host them, and why the whole state is getting more attention from promoters.

We have more cheerleaders coming this weekend -- this time to 1st Mariner for a statewide competition.  Again, the hotels will be filled and the local restaurants become stopovers between events. During the slowest season for the hospitality industry, sports activities offer a significant boost.  That's something to cheer about.

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