
Jan 28, 2010

Countdown to Craziness

It's now official -- Tweety and I have joined the Frozen Pickles Polar Bear Plunge team.  That means we get to ride the Pickleodeon bus to Sandy Point, wear our team hat and flash freeze our buns in brine for a very worthy sports endeavor -- the Special Olympics.

An additional ingredient in the Frozen Pickle recipe may be snow, so we maybe closer to Slurpees before this is over.

Despite the elements, Tweety and Blogue will be reporting live from the action on the beach this Saturday.  Terry's only assignment is to find what tent Joe Flacco will be warming and secure access for his pair of popsicles. 

Having infinite faith in his resourcefulness, we plan to get close enough to snap a pic for the blog.  (Much easier to get in range when Gaither and Oher aren't around.)

Stay tuned.

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