
Apr 14, 2010

Tourney on Track

Terry is spending today with rights-holders and event promoters at the National Association of Sports Commissions Symposium.  This morning he met with officials from Kick It, a youth sports organization that stages 3 x 3 soccer tournaments around the country.  Terry was delighted to learn they have scheduled an event for July 17-18 in Maryland.  What they haven't settled on is a place, so of course Terry was eager to help.  If there's one thing we have plenty of in this state, it's soccer fields and players for them.

In addition to the Kick It folks, Terry has lined up an impressive array of meetings.  He's also talking with the folks from Medalist Sports, who want to bring a professional cycling event to Maryland, ESPN Outdoors, interested in our bass fishing, the Senior Olympics, looking for future host venues, US Synchro, AVP beach volleyball , a Tae Kwando organization, US Lacrosse, ASA Softball, US Olympics and the Sports Congress.

As if that doesn't keep him busy enough, Terry also found time to be selected to the Executive Board of National Association of Sports Commissions.

We're sure there's more news on the horizon.  Stay tuned.

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