
Mar 16, 2010

Rescheduling Recon

Helicopters aren't quite as hardy as Greyhound fans.  While the rain didn't quell the crowd at Ridley, it did ground the recon crew scheduled to fly over the course proposed for the Indy Car race in downtown Baltimore.

Yes, the eagerly anticipated Indy Car initiative is zooming ahead.  Although the weather waved the caution flag Saturday, plans are progressing nicely.

(For those who may not be following this closely, the flyover is necessary to examine road widths, turn angles, surface conditions, etc.  This is all part of the traffic survey factored into the study.)

Like the soccer match, we don't have all the answers yet.  However, we anticipate something coming out of Baltimore Racing Development and the City before the end of April.

Now that the sun is out, the helicopter survey can be rescheduled.  Be sure to wave when you see it over Camden Yards.

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