
Feb 6, 2010

Birthday with Babe

Like most of the East Coast I'm sheltered in place. But with plenty to eat and drink and lots of light in my Mt. Vernon aerie, I'm enjoying the solitude with a good book.

Big Bam is a rollicking look at the life and times of baseball's (and Maryland's) larger than life character. Spending the day with incorrigable George  (he's still an aspiring shirtmaker at. St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys at this point) seems an appropriate way to spend his 115th birthday.  It's also an escape to Baltimore in the early days of the 20th century.   Camden Yards is still a railroad terminal and our beloved Warehouse has just been completed as the largest freight facility on the East Coast.  George Herman Ruth, Sr., runs a bar in our neighborhood. 

(He's even closer to my bin than Pickles.  They found remnants of his saloon when excavating centerfield.  I keep one of the bricks on my windowsill.)

So let the snow fall. I'm enjoying my quality time with Babe in long-ago Baltimore.

NOTE:  Because of the blizzard, Babe's official birthday party, sponsored by Sports Legends Museum, has been postponed until next Friday, February 12th, from 5:00-8:00.  (Such a deal!  You can celebrate for Babe and Abe at the same time!)

Check the website for more details.

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