
Feb 20, 2010

Babe's Belated Birthday Bash

Having your birthday party postposed for two weeks is a tragedy when you're five, but when the candles number 115, a fortnight is not too much longer to wait for the kind of bash Babe received last night.

Celebrating Babe's birthday is a tradition for Sports Legends, our neighbor here at the Yards.  It's always a fun occasion to revisit the popular museum devoted to Maryland sports, because you will invariably run into old friends and relive those magical moments in Maryland sports history through the exhibits and activities.

Terry is always deluged with questions when he makes a public appearance anywhere around Camden Yards. He gets buttonholed from Pickles to Pigtown. Everyone wants to know about the status of the Indy Race and another summer soccer match. Answer is the same -- you'll know around March 1st.

So nice to see our former board member, Howard Stevens.  (Howard has to be the only person we know who couldn't lose watching the Super Bowl, having played for both the Colts and the Saints in his NFL career.)

If you haven't been to Sports Legends, or the Babe Ruth birthplace museum,  you should take the time.  It's not only a slice of Maryland history, but a dynamic place to experience the ongoing Maryland sports scene.

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