
Nov 25, 2009

Leaf by leaf

Great news! Our seven crape myrtle trees, compliments of the City of Baltimore, arrived this week. As I related earlier (in the saga of our windowsill lavender nursery) MSA had to scrap our environmental landscaping this fall due to budget cuts. So we've been trying to make do by growing our own crops (the lavender sprouts) and identifying benevolent parties who want to save energy and protect the watershed as much as we.

Our very modest goal for this fall was the median strip between our service road and Russell Street, just before Hamburg Street. This gateway to our complex is usually patrolled by a panoply of panhandlers. That, along with trampled turf and sign clutter, make a less than impressive vision of Baltimore.

Instead, we plan to have a row of Powhattan crape myrtles, a fast growing, moderately sized street tree with an umbrella like canopy that produces bright purple blossoms in late summer.

(For all you Muskogee fans, we know they grow bigger and bloom longer. However, that pale lilac is just a little too girly for our Ravens. Trust us -- you'll love the Powhatans.)

Although we still won't be able to put in the perennials we wanted, the crape myrtles will get us started. Eventually, we hope to carry the look to other areas between parking lots to help offset the heat island effect from our acres of asphalt. And, like the regulars on the median strip, we'll have a hand outstretched to anyone willing to chip in.

Special thanks to Anne Draddy and Beth Strommen from the City. Please put un on the list for the next plant-a-thon.

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