
Feb 19, 2011

Velo Marylanders, Unite !!! Bicycle Advocates Gear Up in Annapolis

Terry won't miss this one. The 14th Annual Maryland Bicycle Symposium is taking place in the Mike Miller Senate Office building on February 22nd. This gives cyclophiles the opportunity to schmooze legislators while discussing issues and swapping stories with fellow pedal pushers.

(And yes, this event actually draws participants from above the Mason-Dixon and across the Potomac.  Trails are an important recreational and quality of life amenity we share with our neighbors.)

The all day session includes advocates who bike for transportation or pedal for fitness and fun, activists who support trails as a lucrative source of tourism, and athletes/spectators who participate in the many popular triathlons, cyclocross, and gravity games which take place in our Mid-Atlantic region.

Commuters, recreational riders, event organizers and elected officials will discuss issues ranging from mountain bike trails to transportation planning and design to road-sharing and other safety issues.

It will be the opportunity for Terry to meet with yet another element of the cycling community. Maryland already has many wonderful cycling events, and Terry has been in talks for some time to bring a really big, televised professional event to showcase the entire state.

If you have any interest in cycling or trails, you should stop in to hear the discussion and see the displays. And keep an eye out for Terry. You'll find him in the middle of a conversation somewhere.

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