
Oct 21, 2010

The Match Game

Here's TEAM Maryland, with their captain/coach/cheerleader on the right. 

They are assembled on their court for a high stakes scrimmage known as The Match Game.

Think of it as speed dating for sports events and economic impact instead of love and marriage --although those elements are relevant in this romantic wooing.  For getting a major rights holder to fall madly in love with your destination, venue and amenities and committing to a long-term relationship means big, big bucks for the folks back home.

(Sorry for putting it in gold digger terms, but you get the picture.)

Terry and the TEAM found Maryland to be a hot ticket among the rights holders.  In fact, their dance card was filled with 22 scheduled appointments and even a few who were not originally on the list.

Part of the conference included networking opportunities and open sessions. TEAM Maryland was the sponsor of The State of the Sports Event Industry session.

 A panel of industry leaders talked about the promising growth of sports travel, participation, and attendance even as the rest of the economy struggles.   They identified new approaches by sponsors to get or remain in the game while resources are at a low.

The conference is still in progress, so Terry and TEAM Maryland are prospecting for more gold.  He plans to give a full recounting when he gets back.

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