
Oct 15, 2009

TEAM Maryland in the Center Ring

Fearless Leader, titular head of Team Terry and the Three Marketeers, is leading his own crusade this week.  He's carrying the standard for TEAM Maryland in their first appearance as a contingent in a major sports and travel trade show.

The front line of TEAM Maryland is shown here in their base camp, located right in the middle of the arena at the Travel, Event And Management in Sports (TEAMS) conference in New Orleans.

At this conference, Terry and the DMOs who joined him will be meeting with events manager, promoters, rights-holders, and league officials from all over the country.  Terry has been attending this conference for years and has worked with many of the players (and knows many more)  For other members of TEAM Maryland, it will be the first opportunity to see the potential offered by wonderful world of sports travel.

Terry will report back with more highlights (and more pictures of the booth)

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